Small Group Discussion for 2/18/24

Always Hearing Discussion
From The Always God
Pastor Tony Stephens 02/18/24

Bible Reading:
- 2 Kings 19:14-20
- 2 Kings 20:1-5
- Isaiah 55:8-9

Observation Questions:
1. In 2 Kings 19:14-20, what actions did Hezekiah take when he received
the threatening letter from the King of Assyria?
2. How did Hezekiah express his trust in God's sovereignty during his
prayer for deliverance from the Assyrian threat?
3. Reflecting on 2 Kings 20:1-5, what was Hezekiah's response to the
news of his impending death, and how did God respond to his prayer?

Interpretation Questions:
1. What does Hezekiah's decision to spread the letter before the Lord in
the temple suggest about his understanding of God's power and authority
over the nations?
2. Considering Isaiah 55:8-9, how might Hezekiah's acceptance of God's
will, regardless of the outcome, demonstrate a deeper trust in God's
wisdom and plans?
3. In the context of Hezekiah's prayers, how does the Lord's immediate
response to Hezekiah's weeping and prayer illustrate the personal nature
of God's relationship with His people?

Application Questions:
1. When faced with a significant challenge or threat, how can you follow
Hezekiah's example and lay your concerns before God in prayer this
2. Can you identify an area of your life where you need to trust God's
sovereignty more fully? How can you surrender this area to God in prayer
3. Think of a situation where you are waiting for an answer to prayer. How
can you demonstrate a posture of humility and trust in God's timing and
will, as Hezekiah did?
4. Is there a relationship in your life that may be hindering your prayers, as
mentioned in 1 Peter 3:7? What steps can you take to seek reconciliation
and restore open communication with God?
5. Reflect on a time when you were too overwhelmed to know what to pray
for. How can you invite the Holy Spirit to intercede for you in similar
situations moving forward?

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