December 28th, 2024
by Tony Stephens
by Tony Stephens
Small Group Discussion Guide: A Love That Surpasses Knowledge (Ephesians 1:3-14)
- What is one word or image that comes to mind when you think of God’s love? Why?
Scripture Reading
Read aloud: Ephesians 1:3-14
Discussion Questions
1. God Sees Us as Sons and Daughters (Ephesians 1:3-8)
- Paul says we are adopted as sons and daughters through Jesus. What does being "adopted" by God mean to you personally?
- Why is it important to view yourself as a child of God rather than through the lens of your job, successes, or failures?
- How does understanding that God provides and protects as a loving Father address the "orphan spirit" in our lives (fear of provision or protection)?
What practical steps can you take this week to live out your identity as God’s child?
2. God’s Plan is Unity Under Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10)
- Paul tells us that God’s ultimate purpose is to unite all things under Christ. What does this unity look like in the church, in your family, or in your community?
- How does an “Us for Them” mindset (versus “Us versus Them”) change the way we approach people who are difficult or different from us?
- Think of a person or situation where you’ve seen division. How might God be calling you to reflect His love and bring reconciliation?
What is one wall of division in your life that God might be asking you to address?
3. You Have Been Given the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:11-14)
- The Holy Spirit is described as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance as God’s children. How does this assurance change the way you view your relationship with God?
- How can we rely on the Holy Spirit daily instead of seeking feelings or signs of His presence?
- What is one way you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit teaching, guiding, or empowering you recently?
What area of your life needs the Holy Spirit’s leading right now, and how can you actively invite Him into it?
Reflect and Respond
- Personal Reflection: What is one takeaway from today’s discussion that you feel God is asking you to apply this week?
- Group Challenge: As a small group, brainstorm one tangible way you can reflect God’s love and unity in your community this week.
Closing Challenge
Commit to breaking down walls, living as sons and daughters of God, and reflecting His love to others.
- What is one word or image that comes to mind when you think of God’s love? Why?
Scripture Reading
Read aloud: Ephesians 1:3-14
Discussion Questions
1. God Sees Us as Sons and Daughters (Ephesians 1:3-8)
- Paul says we are adopted as sons and daughters through Jesus. What does being "adopted" by God mean to you personally?
- Why is it important to view yourself as a child of God rather than through the lens of your job, successes, or failures?
- How does understanding that God provides and protects as a loving Father address the "orphan spirit" in our lives (fear of provision or protection)?
What practical steps can you take this week to live out your identity as God’s child?
2. God’s Plan is Unity Under Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10)
- Paul tells us that God’s ultimate purpose is to unite all things under Christ. What does this unity look like in the church, in your family, or in your community?
- How does an “Us for Them” mindset (versus “Us versus Them”) change the way we approach people who are difficult or different from us?
- Think of a person or situation where you’ve seen division. How might God be calling you to reflect His love and bring reconciliation?
What is one wall of division in your life that God might be asking you to address?
3. You Have Been Given the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:11-14)
- The Holy Spirit is described as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance as God’s children. How does this assurance change the way you view your relationship with God?
- How can we rely on the Holy Spirit daily instead of seeking feelings or signs of His presence?
- What is one way you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit teaching, guiding, or empowering you recently?
What area of your life needs the Holy Spirit’s leading right now, and how can you actively invite Him into it?
Reflect and Respond
- Personal Reflection: What is one takeaway from today’s discussion that you feel God is asking you to apply this week?
- Group Challenge: As a small group, brainstorm one tangible way you can reflect God’s love and unity in your community this week.
Closing Challenge
Commit to breaking down walls, living as sons and daughters of God, and reflecting His love to others.
Posted in Small Group Guides
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